Colin finnish's our series in Colosisians this week and Chris reads Col ch4 ver 7 - 18. Paul’s letters prove that he knew the importance of friendship and that they cross ethnic, social and gender divides. We have seen that they included Onesimus, a runaway slave, Luke, a distinguished doctor and Nympha, a lady who had a church meet in her house. Many people have accused Paul of being a misogynist but his letters prove them wrong. To the church in Rome he readily admitted that Phoebe had been a patroness to him.
Friendships involve encouragements, like Archippus who was a dear fellow-soldier, but also discouragements like Demas who abandoned Paul in his time of need.
In ministry and in everyday church life, we all need each other in order to encourage Christian growth. We should praise God for the friends we have who help us deepen our relationship with Christ.
Paul encouraged Archippus to complete the work that he had received from the Lord and he challenges us to do the same.

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